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Prof. Geert Hofstede, the Dutch social psychologist, (1928-2020) is well-known for his ground-breaking research on cross-cultural communication and understanding. His work is widely regarded as one of the most influential in the field of intercultural communication, and has been used extensively by academics, professionals and businesses who work in multicultural environments.

Prof. Geert Hofstede’s most famous work is his Cultural Dimensions Theory, which he developed in the late 1970s based on his study of over 100,000 employees in a multinational corporation. The theory identifies six key dimensions that help to explain differences between cultures:
Power Distance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Femininity versus Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long-term versus Short-term orientation, and Indulgence versus Restraint.
This theory has been widely used to help individuals and organizations better understand cultural differences, and has been applied to a variety of fields, including marketing, human resources, and international business. Prof. Geert Hofstede’s work has been influential in helping individuals and organizations navigate cultural differences and improve communication and collaboration across borders. During his lifetime, he received numerous awards and honours for his contributions to the field of cross-cultural communication, and continues to be a respected figure in the academic and business communities.